Note on terminology: Position means 2D coordinates of the object projection in the image. Location denotes 3D coordinates of the object in the world. Detection of position and location is tracking and localization respectively.

Application dove-eye consists of three layers: general tracking and localization library (namespace dove_eye), various widgets for GUI (namespace gui) and glue layer of QObjects (top unnamed namespace).

dove_eye library

The dove_eye library is based on a set of objects that are connected to a pipeline, the basic setup for tracking and localization is on the following figure.

      VideoProvider    ...   VideoProvider
            |                      |
         (Frame)       ...      (Frame)
            \                      /
             v                    v
                        +--> to GUI
                     Tracker (InnerTracker for each camera)
                        +--> to GUI

Control QObjects

Communication between dove_eye library and GUI is backed by several QObjects, most importantly:

  • Controller class realizes the pipeline illustrated above. Basically, it runs a loop that iterates throught the pipeline and it provides the data from the pipeline to others via Qt signal-slot mechanism.

  • FramesetConverter class ensures near real-time video display.

  • Application class keeps general context and its task is to correctly initialize, connect and start the Controller, the FramesetConverter and the GUI.


There are several threads running in the application:

  • GUI thread (the initial thread) – it redraws basic widgets, collects and dispatches GUI events,
  • Controller’s thread – it runs the tracking/localization pipeline,
  • FramesetConverter’s thread – it (asynchronously) draws frames that it obtains via Controller from the pipeline,
  • FramesetAggregator’s threads – FramesetAggregator runs a single thread for each camera, so that it’s possible to grab videos from multiple streams even though the API is inherently blocking.

Any communication between different threads must be done only via Qt’s signal-slot mechanism, which ensures implicit synchronization, furthermore OpenCV cv::Mat class is also thread-safe and can be shared among threads. Otherwise explicit synchronization must be done (e.g. in FramesetAggregator).

Tracking and localization

Actual localization is simply delegated to OpenCV library functions and thus merit of dove-eye lies in tracking.

As shown in the pipeline scheme, there’s a wrapping class dove_eye::Tracker that only keeps state of tracking in individual video streams and the actual tracking is implemented in dove_eye::InnerTracker class descendants. There is a specialization (dove_eye::SearchingTracker) that contains frequently reused code for trackers that work by searching an object in an image in neighborhood of a predicted position.

Implemented trackers

There is a dove_eye::HistogramTracker that employs backprojection to detect object according to its color (spectrum). Second implementation dove_eye::TemplateTracker utilize template matching to detect the most similar object to an initial pattern. Both these implementation share code for background subtraction from dove_eye::SearchingTracker.

Currently, the selection of the tracker is done at compile time (in Application::SetupController) and the application is compiled with dove_eye::HistogramTrackerdove_eye::CircleTracker by default. It experimentally proved to be more stable.

Third tracker is dove_eye::CircleTracker, that uses similar hue filtering as the HistogramTracker, however, it doesn’t detect blobs but circles of the given color. In the end, it is subjectively as (un)stable as the HistograTracker.

Tracker tuning

(See lib/src/ for source.)

  • track.template.radius
    • used as radius of Gauss kernel for denoising (CircleTracker, HistogramTracker)
    • (experimental, obsolete) used as epiline thickness when predicing on epiline
    • size of searched area in terms of previously matched pattern (i.e. you track a circle with radius r, however, on the next frame ROI is factor * r (optimization to avoid searching all image)
    • used by all trackers (that inherit from SearchingTracker)
    • [0, 1] value specifying required quality of tracking
    • TemplateTracker (1 = accept only good match)
    • HistogramTracker (1 = accept only strongest histogram backprojection)
    • CircleTracker unused
    • minimum speed to apply background subtraction
    • currently unused
    • process variation for prediction Kalman filter
    • observation variation for observation Kalman filter
    • consider ratio over – when it’s large observation are taken into account with small weight only, as result prediction can be delayed behind actual state.

Tracking quality

Since tracking quality (and calibration) substantially affects resulting location, it’s (now) obvious that it’s the critical part of the system. There’s space for experimenting with various implementations of the dove_eye::InnerTracker (abstract) class and possibly improve the state machine in the wrapping dove_eye::Tracker class.