Problem statement

Two millionaires want to compare their wealth without revealing the exact wealth to each other or a third party. More in Wikipedia article.


    0. Alice and Bob agree on common domain and communication channel
           Alice               (channel)               Bob
           -----                                       ---
           secret a                                    secret b
    1.                  ---  challenge --->
    2.                           <--- response ---       
    3.                  --- acknowledgement --->
                                                       result of a >= b
    4.                       <--- share result ---       

Red input fields are for values provided by Alice. Blue input fields are for values provided by Bob. This page serves only to generate and process the messages, it doesn’t send anything (it can work offline). The calculator stores single-use keys in memory though, so the page must be kept open during an ongoing exchange.

The messages cannot restore more than comparison result, more detailed explanation but still Use at your own risk.



