Evil contact
The game of contact is for at least three player. The player A thinks about a word and reveals its first letter. At least two other players p1 and p2 have to be in so called contact. Let’s say player p1 describes a word starting with the revealed letter. If player A guesses what the described word is, they can say: “No, it is not word”. In the rare case the description matched the A’s secret word, the player A loses (and pi win). If player p2 has an idea about the secret word, they announce it by claiming “Contact” and counting to 3 (that’s opportunity for A to intervene). After the countup p1 and p2 say the alleged secret word out loud. If they say the same word, player A has to reveal one more letter from their secret word and it continues in analogous way.
List of the most difficult words for Czech contact
- podstaveček 6882
- kontrabasistka 4187
- staroslávistka 3857
- makroprocesor 2592
- desetinásobek 2554
- velkoprodejna 2433
- rozpočtář 2269
- transplantologie 2237
- antikomunistka 2180
- nadpraporčík 2135
- odpovědna 1970
- biometeoroložka 1881
- hydrogensiřičitan 1672
- zástěrka 1458
- chloroplatitan 1377
- legitimistka 1248
- elektromotor 1137
- fotografie 1117
- internacionalistka 1055
- jednotlivina 909
- generativistka 669
- centralistka 629
- univerzalistka 536
- waltrovka 41
- xenofobie 34
- ytterbium 16
- quijotismus 7
(Generated with a script based on Czech dictionary from LibreOffice and finally manually curated.)