Demons (novel)
I’m busy, so I’m publishing this entry just as the WIP draft, probably forever.
Reading period: Jan–Feb 2016.
- Part I
- history of Štěpán Trofimovič (not clear what is he opposed to)
- first visit of Stavrogin – mental illness
- episode of an arranged wedding
- great meeting at Varvarovna Petrovna
- Petr Štěpánovič making fun of Kirillov
- Šatov hits Stavrogin
- Part II
- night trip of Stavrogin to Kirillov and Šatov
- duel of Artěmij Pavlovic Gaganov with Stavrogin
- Julie Michajlovna is preparing a fest, meeting with youth and von Lembke sees letters
- Petr Štěpánovič visits guvernator von Lembke, supports Šatov
- meeting of conspirators at Virginskij
- Verchovenskij wants Stavrogin as a face of revolution
- house search at Štěpán Trofimovič
- rebellion at Špigulin factory
- Part III
- festival
- great fire and chaos, Liza’s death, murder at Lebjadkins
- Šatov wife comes to him and give birth to Stavrogin’s (?) child
- Verchovenskij plans murder of Šatov (traitor, he may turn them in), and he needs to unite the “cell”
- murder at the lake and suicide of Kirillov, Verchovenskij runs away
(meeting at train station)
- when he became suspected he was in Petrohrad and later escaped abroad
- Štěpán Trofimovič escapes
- Stavrogin’s suicide
- communism
- god/atheism
- Russian life – contrasts
- Russian revolution (abolition of serfdom), anarchists
- psychological profiles of characters
- French/Swiss/German orientation of Russia
- dominant women, woman question, students
- enthusiasm about/dedication to an idea even with homi- or suicide
- illusion of many cospiracy cells
- idea of general decomposition, destruction
- generation conflict (clear division of character to old and young)
- Mohamed has epilepsy
- Fourierists, Gercen
- dark idea and allegory of pigs drowning (also Hammeln)
- mental health
- illegal books, leaflets etc. and its printing
- frame – Štěpán Trofimovič
- very escalated, culminated structure
- sometimes forward explanations (fate of Petr Štěpánovič)
- town, Skvorešniky / Moscow, Petrograd, their small town
- many at night, rainy autumn weather
- Štěpán Trofimovič Verchovenskij
Varvarovna Petrovna Stavroginová
- Petr Stěpánovič Verchovenskij
- main rebellant
- sly, shrewd, communist
- Nikolaj Vsevolodovič Stavrogin
- duel
- Andrej Antonovič von Lembke
- papermodelling when sad
Julie Michajlovna von Lembke
- Lizavata Nikolajevna Drozdovová?, Mavrikij Nikolajevič
- publishing house (newspaper)
- Praskovna Ivanovna Drozdovova (step mother of Darja)
- Marie Timofejevna Lebjadkinová
- mad, wife of Stavrogin
- cpt. Lebjadkin
- drunkard, irresponsible, simple/primitive
Darja Pavlovna (mail order bride, Šatov sister)
- Arichna Prochorovna (obstetrician)
- Virginskij
- Šatov, his wife
- Kirillov
- civil engineer, Dostojevkij autobio?
- Liputin
- a Jew, mean
- Ljamšin (ill before murder, traitor)
- Karmazin
- big author/writer
- Šigaljov
- Šigaljovština (TODO quotation, his social system works fine unless there are people)
Erkel, Tolkačenko
Feďka (the drudge)
- Blume
- von Lembke’s assistant, German, his illegitimate child(?)
- Alexej Jegoryč
- servant at Stavrogin
- Natasja
- servent at Štěpán Trofimovič
- Sofje Matjevna
- news vendor (sells evangelia)
- charms ŠT on his journey
- TODO purpose of each character